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store是什么意思 store软件下载

2023-08-09 来源:互联网 【 字体:

store是什么意思 store软件下载 导读大家好,知识小编来为大家讲解下。store是什么意思,store的用法很多人还不知道,现在让我们一起来看看吧!一、store是什么意思1、store



1、store 贮存,贮藏,存储,商店,店铺,仓库

2、来自古法语 estorer,建造,修复,储存,贮藏,来自拉丁语 instaurare,修复,安装,存储,来 自 in-,进入,-staur,放置,来自 PIE*sta,站立,建立,词源同 stand,stall.引申诸相关词义。



2、store: [13] Store is a shortened version of the now defunct astor ‘supplies, stock of provisions’. This was borrowed from Old French estor, a derivative of estorer ‘build, restore, furnish, stock’, which in turn came from Latin instaurāre ‘renew, repair, restore’ (source also of English restaurant and restore, and possible relative of Greek stavrós ‘stake, pale’). The use of store for ‘shop’ arose in American English in the early 18th century.=> restaurant, restore

3、store (v.)

4、mid-13c.,"to supply or stock,"from Old French estorer"erect, construct, build; restore, repair; furnish, equip, provision,"from Latin instaurare"restore, renew, repair, make,"in Medieval Latin also"to provide, store,"from in-"in"+ -staurare, from PIE *stau-ro-, suffixed extended form of root *sta-"to stand"(see stet, and compare restore). The meaning"to keep in store for future use"(1550s) probably is a back-formation from store (n.). Related: Stored; storing.

5、store (n.)

6、c. 1300,"supplies or provisions for a household, camp, etc.,"from store (v.) or else from Old French estore"provisions; a fleet, navy, army,"from estorer or from Medieval Latin staurum, instaurum"store."General sense of"sufficient supply"is attested from late 15c. The meaning"place where goods are kept for sale"is first recorded 1721 in American English (British English prefers shop (n.)), from the sense"place where supplies and provisions are kept"(1660s). The word store is of larger signification than the word shop. It not only comprehends all that is embraced in the word shop, when that word is used to designate a place in which goods or merchandise are sold, but more, a place of deposit, a store house. In common parlance the two words have a distinct meaning. We speak of shops as places in which mechanics pursue their trades, as a carpenter's shop a blacksmith's shop a shoemaker's shop. While, if we refer to a place where oods and merchandise are bought and sold, whether by wholesale or retail, we speak of it as a store. [C.J. Brickell, opinion in Sparrenberger v. The State of Alabama, December term, 1875] Stores"articles and equipment for an army"is from 1630s. In store"laid up for future use"(also of events, etc.) is recorded from late 14c. Store-bought is attested from 1912, American English; earlier store-boughten (1872).
