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glad是什么意思 gladly

2023-08-12 来源:互联网 【 字体:

glad是什么意思 gladly 导读 大家好,知识小编来为大家讲解下。glad是什么意思,glad的用法很多人还不知道,现在让我们一起来看看吧!一、glad是什么意思1、glad 高兴



1、glad 高兴的

2、来自PIE*ghel, 照耀,发光,词源同glass, gold. 引申义容光满面的,高兴的。



2、glad: [OE] The original meaning of Old English gl?d was ‘bright, shining’. It went back to a prehistoric Germanic *glathaz, which was related to Latin glaber ‘smooth, bald’ (source of English glabrous [17] and Old Slavic gladuku ‘smooth’). ‘Happy’ is a secondary semantic development, which evidently took place before the various Germanic dialects went their own way, for it is shared by Swedish and Danish glad (the sense ‘smooth’, also an extension of ‘bright, shining’, is preserved in German glatt).=> glabrous

3、glad (adj.)

4、Old English gl?d"bright, shining, gleaming; joyous; pleasant, gracious"(also as a noun,"joy, gladness"), from Proto-Germanic *glada- (cognates: Old Norse glaer"smooth, bright, glad,"Danish glad"glad, joyful,"Old Saxon gladmod, in which the element means"glad,"Old Frisian gled"smooth,"Dutch glad"slippery,"German glatt"smooth"), from PIE *ghel- (2)"to shine,"with derivatives referring to bright materials and gold (see glass). The notion is of being radiant with joy; the modern sense"feeling pleasure or satisfaction"is much weakened. Slang glad rags"one's best clothes"first recorded 1902.
